Invention Protection 101

invention protection

How Can You Protect Your Invention? Inventions can be protected legally a variety of ways, depending on the nature of the invention. Patent protection, both provisional and standard, is the main invention protection method in the US and most Western … [Continue reading]

How to Protect an Idea

Ideas, while they abound and spring forth from our imagination, are not legally regarded as physical 'things'. As a result, there are only really two ways to go abou it if you are wanting to find out how to protect an idea: You can keep them a … [Continue reading]

Inventor Software

inventor software

We'll talk here about the best inventor software on offer for use in different steps of the invention process. Brainstorming Inventor Software is a free and very easy to use online mindmapping service. Within minutes you can have … [Continue reading]

What To Invent

what to invent

In the inventing spirit, but not sure what to invent? Let's get those inventive juices flowing, and spur you into the realms of innovation. The 'What To Invent' Game One of the best ways to invent is to see it as a game. That way you'll be … [Continue reading]

How To Be An Inventor

how to be an inventor

It's not a cliche, nor is it some kind of marketing gambit, to say that anyone can be an inventor. Learning how to be an inventor is a process just like learning how to ride a bicycle or learning how to draw. Some people say that you need some … [Continue reading]

Invention of Soccer

Many people are interested in the invention of soccer. While many sports have their roots in recent history, some sports can be traced back thousands of years to civilizations in the B.C. era. Organized athletics have been practiced by just about … [Continue reading]

Hamburger Invention

The development of foods is a process that often gets overlooked. Foods we consider to be part of our every day lives, and have never had to live without, often got their starts from innovative people coming up with new ways to eat familiar foods. … [Continue reading]

Invention of Pizza

The invention of pizza cannot date back to a specific time and place, the main reason being that pizza was part of an evolution and evolved into that which we eat today. The controversy surrounding the invention of pizza, and what the first pizza … [Continue reading]

History of Invention of Television

The invention of television history and all the pioneers with their innovations and brilliant ideas changed the way the world would work forever. Today, education, entertainment and lazy afternoons are all learned and spent in front of the … [Continue reading]

Invention Of Softball

While many sports have roots that trace back to ancient athletics, some have clear beginnings in modern history. Like the invention of softball. As we’ve increasingly embraced athletics, teamwork and good old-fashioned fun, new sports have … [Continue reading]